Procedures to Enhance Excyclotorsion
- Oblique Surgery
- Superior Oblique Tenotomy
- weakens incyclotorsion effects of the superior oblique muscle
- also treats vertical deviations and causes esoshift shift in down-gaze
- Inferior Oblique Anterior lateral transposition
- Advance insertion above superior border of lateral rectus
- Del Monte, MA, Scobee Memorial Lecture 2001, American Orthoptic Journal 2002;52:40-57
- Vertical Rectus Surgery
- Superior Rectus- tertiary action is incyclotorsion
- Nasal Transposition
- Recession
- Effect will be small unless the muscle is tight (i.e. Graves disease)
- Inferior Rectus
- Inferior Rectus Temporal Tranposition
- Resection: Small effect