====== Convergence ====== * Both eyes adduct independent with each other * Accompanies accommodation ([[accommodative_convergence_to_accommodation_ratio|AC/A ratio]]) * Used to maintain fixation on near targets * Quantified by measuring convergence amplitudes and near point of convergence * Dysfunctional convergence is seen in Exophoria and Exotropia * When accompanies exophoria, sensory fusion may be able to be strengthened by convergence exercises * [[convergence_insufficiency|Convergence insufficiency]] can occur without strabismus ===== Convergence Amplitudes ===== * Testing requires sensory fusion * With a fixation target at near and distance, look through progressively larger base out prisms until diplopia occurs. * The break point is the prism value where diplopia occurs * The recovery point is the prism value where sensory fusion is re-established * Normal measurements for break point: * Near: 30Δ to 40Δ * Distance: 20Δ to 30Δ ===== Near Point of Convergence ===== * Point in space directly in front of the eyes where maximal convergence is used * Practically defined as the distance from nose where diplopia occurs * Can use a Prince rule or any ruler with an accommodative target to measure * Normal near point: * 4cm to 10cm ==== Prince Rule ==== {{::aao_prince_rule.jpg?direct&400|https://www.aao.org/image/new-mediabeacon-item-65}}\\ Photo courtesy [[https://www.aao.org/image/new-mediabeacon-item-65|AAO]] {{tag>strabismus}}