====== Convergence Insufficiency ====== * Symptoms of eye strain, double vision with near work, headaches, astenopia worse with prolonged near work * Abnormally far [[convergence|near point of convergence]] * Common accompanying signs: * exophoria greater at near than distance * decreased or absent [[convergence|fusional convergence]] * normal divergence * Low [[accommodative_convergence_to_accommodation_ratio|AC/A]] * accommodative insufficiency * Uncommon accompanying signs: * orthophoria * esophoria at near ====Near Point of convergence==== * Point at which a person can no longer hold convergence at near * Testing procedure * Proper correction should be worn * Use accommodative target (20/40 image or similar) * Patient focuses the target that slowly moves towards the nose * Where diplopia occurs is the "break point" * **>6 cm** from the nose in non-presbyopes and **>10 cm** for presbyopes is probably abnormal ====Convergence Amplitudes==== * Testing procedure * Should be wearing proper correction * Measure with base out prism on distance (6 m) then near target (1/3 m) * Use accommodative target 20/40 or similar * Move the prism bar to the point where patient can no longer maintain single vision on the object, this is the **break point**. * Before reaching the break point, the patient may note a point where the image blurs, the patient can no longer use fusional convergence and resorts to accommodative convergence which may improve convergence but causes a blurred image due to over-convergence * Reduce the base out prism until the patient recovers single vision, this is the **recovery point**. * if exotropia present ensure not worse XT in downgaze. * Encouragement often improves convergence and should be provided to every patient. * Testing convergence after testing divergence amplitudes will reduce convergence. === Normal Convergence Amplitudes reported by Several Authors === ^ Prism Diopters ^ Parks (1976) ^ Duane (1933) ^ Fray (2017) ^ Ferrari (2019) ^ | **Near** ||||| | Break Point | 20-25 | 38-51 | 35 | 45 | | Recovery Point | 18-22 | | | 40 | | **Distance** ||||| | Break Point | 15 | | 26 | 25 | | Recovery Point | 12 | | | 20 | ====Convergence Amplitudes in Convergence Insufficiency==== Most studies would include patients with **≤ 15 PD break point** ====Other Signs of CI==== * Low [[accommodative_convergence_to_accommodation_ratio|AC/A ratio]] of <2:1 * Esophoria larger at near than at distance * High CI symptom survey score of ≥16 ====Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey==== - Do your eyes feel tired when reading or doing close work? - Do your eyes feel uncomfortable when reading or doing close work? - Do you have headaches when reading or doing close work? - Do you feel sleepy when reading or doing close work? - Do you lose concentration when reading or doing close work? - Do you have trouble remembering what you have read? - Do you have double vision when reading or doing close work? - Do you see the words move, jump, swim or appear to float on the page when reading or doing close work? - Do you feel like you read slowly? - Do your eyes ever hurt when reading or doing close work? - Do your eyes ever feel sore when reading or doing close work? - Do you feel a “pulling” feeling around your eyes when reading or doing close work? - Do you notice the words blurring or coming in and out of focus when reading or doing close work? - Do you lose your place while reading or doing close work? - Do you have to re-read the same line of words when reading? ===Scoring=== - Collect response to each question from one of the 5 possible responses: - "Never" = 0 points - "Infrequently" = 1 point - "Sometimes" = 2 points - "Fairly Often" = 3 points - "Always" = 4 points - Tally points from each question- the total will be from 0-60 points ===Analysis of Score=== If score is **≥ 16** CI is likely * Convergence Insufficiency mean= 30.8 ± 8.4 * Normal mean = 8.4 ± 6.4 * Cut of value of **16** gives sensitivity of 95.7% and specificity of 87.5% [[ciss_calculator|Go to the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Score Calculator]]\\ ====Resources===== * [[http://www.oculist.net/downaton502/prof/ebook/duanes/pages/v1/v1c007.html| Marshall Parks. Vergences in Duanes Ophthalmology Chapter 7]] * {{::convergence_index_measure_of_converging_power_duane_1914.pdf|Duane, A. The Convergence Index as a Measure of Converging Power. Trans Am Ophthalmology Soc. 1914;13(Pt3):851-8}} * {{::study_of_normative_values_of_the_fusional_amplitudes_of_ocular_convergence_and_divergence_2019.pdf |Study of normative values of the fusional amplitudes of ocular convergence and divergence. Ferrari et al. eOftalmo 2019;5(4):167-72}} * {{::fusional_amplitudes-developing_testing_standards_fray_2017.pdf |Fusional Amplitudes: Developing Testing Standards. Fray K. Strabismus 2017;25(3):145-155}} {{tag>convergence}}