====== Facio-Digito-Genital Dysplasia Syndrome (Aarskog Syndrome) ====== ====Main Features==== * Short stature * brachydactyly * shawl scrotum ====Eye Findings==== * Hypertelorism (90%) * Ptosis (50%) * Downslanting palpebral fissures * Strabismus * Hyperopic astigmatism * latent nystagmus * blue sclera * posterior embryotoxin * corneal enlargement ====Etiology==== * X-linked recessive, linked to Xp11.21 * Female carriers have minor manifestations * 100 cases reported ====Other Findings==== * Broad upper lip, anteverted nostrils * Osteoconditis dessicans * Stretchable skin ====References==== * [[http://www.omim.org/entry/100050|OMIM 100050]] * [[http://www.omim.org/entry/305400?search=%2A305400&highlight=%2A305400|OMIM #305400]] * //Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus// eds. Wright KW, Spiegel PH. 2nd ed. p.1029 {{tag>syndrome}}