====== Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis- Screening Schedule ====== === Uveitis Screening Schedule for children and adolescents === ^Type^ANA^Age at Onset (y)^Duration of Dz (y)^Risk^Next Exam (m)^ |Oligo or polyarthritis|+|≤ 6|≤ 4|High|3| |Oligo or polyarthritis|+|≤ 6|> 4|Moderate|6| |Oligo or polyarthritis|+|≤ 6|> 7|Low|12| |Oligo or polyarthritis|+|> 6|≤ 4|Moderate|6| |Oligo or polyarthritis|+|> 6|> 4|Low|12| |Oligo or polyarthritis|-|≤ 6|≤ 4|Moderate|6| |Oligo or polyarthritis|-|≤ 6|> 4|Low|12| |Oligo or polyarthritis|-|> 6|n/a|Low|12| |Systemic (fever,rash)|n/a|n/a|n/a|Low|12| [[http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/117/5/1843.long|Reference: AAP Policy statement 2006]] {{tag>JIA}}