Table of Contents

Convergence Insufficiency

Near Point of convergence

Convergence Amplitudes

Normal Convergence Amplitudes reported by Several Authors

Prism Diopters Parks (1976) Duane (1933) Fray (2017) Ferrari (2019)
Break Point 20-25 38-51 35 45
Recovery Point 18-22 40
Break Point 15 26 25
Recovery Point 12 20

Convergence Amplitudes in Convergence Insufficiency

Most studies would include patients with ≤ 15 PD break point

Other Signs of CI

Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey

  1. Do your eyes feel tired when reading or doing close work?
  2. Do your eyes feel uncomfortable when reading or doing close work?
  3. Do you have headaches when reading or doing close work?
  4. Do you feel sleepy when reading or doing close work?
  5. Do you lose concentration when reading or doing close work?
  6. Do you have trouble remembering what you have read?
  7. Do you have double vision when reading or doing close work?
  8. Do you see the words move, jump, swim or appear to float on the page when reading or doing close work?
  9. Do you feel like you read slowly?
  10. Do your eyes ever hurt when reading or doing close work?
  11. Do your eyes ever feel sore when reading or doing close work?
  12. Do you feel a “pulling” feeling around your eyes when reading or doing close work?
  13. Do you notice the words blurring or coming in and out of focus when reading or doing close work?
  14. Do you lose your place while reading or doing close work?
  15. Do you have to re-read the same line of words when reading?


  1. Collect response to each question from one of the 5 possible responses:
    1. “Never” = 0 points
    2. “Infrequently” = 1 point
    3. “Sometimes” = 2 points
    4. “Fairly Often” = 3 points
    5. “Always” = 4 points
  2. Tally points from each question- the total will be from 0-60 points

Analysis of Score

If score is ≥ 16 CI is likely
