Table of Contents

Intravitreal Injection of Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma





  1. Call Pharmacy (x64300) 20 minutes before desired drug delivery time.
  2. Choose an injection site distant from any vitreous or retinal tumors
  3. Lower intraocular pressure to <10mmHg with digital massage
  4. Prep the eye with a drop of Betadine 5%
  5. Inject 2.5-3 mm from limbus directing the needle towards the center of the vitreous but avoid known vitreous seeds
  6. Before retracting the needle tip from the vitreous apply cryo to the injection site and the needle.
  7. Apply a drop of betadine
  8. Inspect vitreous and retina if desired

Source: The role of intravitreal chemotherapy for retinoblastoma. Manjandavida FP, Shields CL. Indian J Ophthalmology 2014;63(2):143

